So the penny has been abolished in Canada, and you're thinking it's not an important event, doesn’t really affect anything, right? Well actually its the 3rd step in the execution of a diabolical plan to bring us to a cashless society. How can that be, you may ask? To answer this very important question we need to go back in time, to the day when the Canadian Mint introduced and replaced the 1 dollar bill with the looney. A few years later the toonie was introduced. It was deliberately done to bring an atmosphere of inconvenience to cash. The day now is rapidly approaching for their desire of a cashless society and the elimination of small denominations of cash is happening globally. But to really understand what is going on we need to go back much further to 1928. It is a time of great prosperity and confidence. The Roaring Twenties was booming with wealth, innovation and the affluent. This was also a time of assurance that the peace established after this First World War would bring a New Age of belief in mans ability to accomplish anything. Technology was leading the way and very few questioned how a burgeoning economy could be maintained. Another little known aspect of the Crash of 1929 was a curious instrument of the banking industry. It's a foreign concept to many in this age but it brings memories of fear, dread and great sorrow to those survivors of the Great Depression. It’s called a bank holiday and it is anything but a joyous occasion. This is a time of undetermined duration where banks simply shut their doors and services. This means no access to any of your money in any form. Surprising to most is that this action is perfectly legal and supported by all the worlds’ governments. It is however frightening to note that the graphic projection of the economic growth during 1928 leading up to the crash in October of 1929 can be overlayed onto the graph of this past year bringing an EXACT match! You may recall the turmoil caused by a ‘bank run’ portrayed in the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”. This is what a bank holiday is. So why would a bank do that? Isn’t it in their best interest to stay open? Well not always and this is where we come to the heart of the matter: greed and control. You see when we went off the gold standard for world currency decades ago, it allowed banks to hold 5% in reserve rather than the required 40%. This allows banks to invest your money while only securing 5% of your money. And in the case of a bank run, they will be unable to give you more than 5% what’s owed. In any other environment an action like that would be ILLEGAL and called Theft. But in the banking world your and my money is a tool to be used for their good and not ours. And what do we get in exchange for this violated “good faith” –interest less than 1%.. They call it fractional banking and use it to reap massive profits. Now you can see why they would do a bank holiday. It prevents them from paying what was given in good faith. This declaration is done during a time defined by them not us as a crisis. This would be the opportunity to reset the economy by reopening after some time..a week, month or year and introduce a new currency and allowance to everyone. Can you see how this would give ultimate control to the banks and governments? The fiscal cliff talked about by the White house is really a diversion to avert investors from pulling their money out before the crash happens. As I mentioned earlier everything right now is following the pattern of the 1929 crash. So what do we do? Well it would be prudent to ask yourself what your investments and savings will be worth at 5% or less. Maybe consider using before you lose it. Consider assisting your family, church or worthy charity. From my sources I can tell you that the US and Canadian military has changed their camouflage and paint for their vehicles from khaki to urban. Military and police officials are being told and are training for urban assault and unrest. Ones that are opposed to tyrannical martial law and firing on citizens are being weeded out, forced out or resigning in droves. Ones who know too much about these preparations are also mysteriously dying all over the world. This past year US military have been given a questionnaire about firing on US citizens and confiscating weapons if ordered to. Obama has recently appointed a man John Brennan who was responsible for increasing drone strikes overseas by 700% to replace the position of CIA Director. See this video of Rand Pauls 13 hr Filibuster on this topic. Remember the pure definition of Fascism is The Corporate Control of Government. The US Postal Service has distributed RFID dots last year on mailboxes of “Persons of Interest”. They are blue, red and green. (See my article The Viewer: Unwired, Defined and Controlled for information on these big brother technologies) These are GPS targets that a Predator Drone can home in on with a missile and it will appear as a gas leak led to the house exploding. Numerous sources have confirmed hit lists have been created on those whose skills, knowledge or position pose a threat to the tyrannical takeover of the populace. It is widely known for years that the computer database in Brussels called “The Beast” has compiled information on almost all the earths’ population. In closing remember this proclamation by one of the founding fathers of the Constitution of the US. “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.” I will let former President Roosevelt close my thoughts: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry, can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense, with our peaceful message and goals." – Dwight Eisenhower, Former Five Star General and President of the United States_
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