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Spiritual Sword Training

Reaching Higher Ground

Here you will find information, techniques and strategies against the Enemy's Ways in this millenial war against the Blood of the Serpent and the Blood of the Saviour Jesus.

Websters Definition: re·con·nais·sance ri-ˈkä-nə-zən(t)s : "a preliminary survey to gain information especially : an exploratory military survey of enemy territory."
Since 1988 the Lord has allowed me to be present during operations being prepared by Satan including being in the Spirit to proclaim Gods Authority and Will in middle East 1 month before the first Gulf War, and also underneath Washington DC observing demonic activities. Also training and warning of future North American events in dreams/visions
COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) learned by my 1999 heaven experience of being taught to use Gods Word as a Weapon daily aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting Satans wiles by the disabling, subverting his demonic attempts of suppression, oppression, deception of Gods children through the worldly influences and idolatry in the Western world including exposing mind control principles/ techniques to subvert/manipulate and redefine Gods word and nullify its effectiveness in believers. daily lives.

Watch for Video coming soon
Here is where we are going to share and learn
thru our Signal Group and also lesson material for those who cannot attend our bi-weekly meetings due to time zone or other problems; classes they will be on Signal as audio only.
SPACE is limited by Signal to 40 participants, also make sure you verify your phone number in Signal to use audio/video in the group.
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