Spiritual Sword Training

Reaching Higher Ground

Our Mission : Answering the What and How
Teaching Small Groups since 1989
about the NWO, their plans and implementations. Berean Builders is a class preparing for the coming persecution which I saw in 1988 and many things have come to pass and many more to come.
Our present classes on signal are inductive and interactive preparing as soldiers how to wield our weapons (Sword Training) and the consciousness of situational awareness on the daily battlefield(Enemy Recon & CoIntelPro). By delving into the seeming complexities of scripture with the lens of allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten His Word in relevant everyday applications that encourage, equip and enable Gods Will individually and as the Body of Christ.

Calling: 3 phases:
Phase 1: Prevention : Warning to allowing personal Purging of Gods Bride towards Holiness, thereby preventing judgement (1988-2018)
Phase 2: Preparing : Gods people for persecution (2018 - Present)
Phase 3: Providing : guiding them to place of safety when needed (Future TBD)
The following ongoing and future planned initiatives are available to support you.
Through past teachings on:
Mewe : Many resources including files of many projects and operations of this battle also past recent class contents
blog articles, testimonies, prophetic accounts /visions and dreams
Past Teachings 2004-2018 and Present On Rumble and you can support the ministry by our sponsors: Brighteon
An ongoing weekly bible class on Signal practicing Sword Training techniques focusing on using scripture as a weapon through scriptural study, of Revelation and Exodus tie-ins relevant in the world situation and overall preparation for persecution when the church will be going underground establishing home churches.
memorization and application (known as the Scripture Reflex). Upcoming seminars online and on location learning how to wield our Sword as a warrior in a thousand year war to defeat the enemy, stand and occupy the land personally and corporately. Through our Sword Training sessions taught to me when I went to heaven in 1999.
upcoming books: one a non fiction how to book on Abiding in Christ and his Presence and a historical scifi fiction book demonstrating Gods presence/ sovereignty and engagement in believers daily lives
Hello, Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Blood of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.

Our Mission : what we believe and our purpose
NEW MEMBERS INFO: if you go to the playlist on my YouTube channel that is for Christopher Brock as a regular every Friday night, on the Dec 20 talk https://www.youtube.com/live/wRElbprWdrk?si=aMXiGC0nhx7rBzX1&t=7105 I was talking about what we do in our group and the foundations of that which may help as well. Also we talk about God’s word, how God’s word influences our lives on a daily basis, how humility of heart helps for us to understand and know Gods word and his guidance in our lives. To understand who and whose we are. All of the UFOs & different stuff that’s going on in the world I talk about it in my videos and on Chris’s show but the purpose of it is to lead people to get into an intimate relationship with Christ, understanding why we’re here right now. I focus on the centrality and the supremacy of God in our lives in the pursuit of intimacy with Him rather than knowledge. Reformation than information of our minds. To get an idea of how things work just go to the Boot Camp classes only playlist on YouTube there we have past classes as you can take a look at them to get an idea of what we’re covering and how we’re doing it . This new members guide video mentions our reference information database that you can access past classes and other information related to our class that I referred to and it’s designed because we have a international group with different time zones and everything else so for those who can’t make it live on Wednesday night you can at your leisure review . I may this Dec 27 Friday night I’m going to do a deep dive into all of this. The people that are in our group are quite vocal and dedicated. we are focusing on Jamies Book Omegaadynamics because it’s called Boot Camp for a reason. Training people that become soldiers when it’s going to become a very dark time which I believe is right around the corner. God Bless Doug