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Spiritual Sword Training

Reaching Higher Ground

Our Story - Who We Are
A Supernatural Life
Part of my Testimony

audio prophecies: calling etc.... ( 1989-1992)
00:00 / 10:48
My Calling, who I was and am Now
Life Verse: Rev. 12:11
Life motto: God doesn’t need us to be able but willing ...willing he will enable-He gets the Glory
Calling is in 3 phases:
- Prevention i.e. Warnings (1988-2018)
- Preparing (2018 - Present)
- Providing (Future TBD) to warn, prepare, and equip the Body of Christ for coming persecution.
Who I was : (1971-1987) :
- Possessed in occult mentalism
- Mr. Twilight Zone
- Inception like mindscaper
-10 yrs contractor in Military Industrial complex contractor aware of anti-Christ exotic technologies
Who I am: (1987-present):
- Saved by Angels from headon collision suicide attempt
- Delivered, Writer, researcher, bible teacher
- many prophetic dreams/visions and experiences *see my blog
- Involved in deliverance and anti-freemasonry ministries
- Mr. Twilight Zone transformed into a Tapestry in Time trained at Global Intercessors Conference in heaven March 16, 1999 exactly 911 days before Sept 11, 2001
Teaching Small Groups since 1989
about the NWO, their plans and implementations. Berean Builders is a class preparing for the coming persecution which I saw in 1988 and many things have come to pass and many more to come.
Our present classes on Signal are inductive and interactive preparing as soldiers how to wield our weapons (Sword Training) and the consciousness of situational awareness on the daily battlefield. By delving into the seeming complexities of scripture with the lens of allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten His Word in relevant everyday applications that encourage, equip and enable Gods Will individually and as the Body of Christ.
This site is the depository of the past 25 years of research and teaching including the last 4 years
that in some aspects encompasses the details of an ancient war of the Bloods going back to the Garden. The blood of the Serpent (The Devils Seed of AntiChrist) and the Blood of Christ (Gods Seed of Adam).
It is not just current or recent history but information of exotic and hidden technologies and plans, that were until recently, coined the term developed by the CIA of "Conspiracy Theory". During my tenure in the Military Industrial Complex in the 1990's in an engineering capacity I became aware of much that now, 30 years later is coming to fruition.
It is through that experience and assistance from those of deep classified backgrounds, including an insider codenamed Saberlighter that unfortunately being on the frontlines in this battle for restoration of our freedoms went dark in 2019, who showed me where to look for unclassified or declassified evidence of this Plan. Due to de-platforming from Facebook in 2018 I have spread that knowledge to the following freedom sites which all have centralized access from this website.
My blog articles, testimonies, prophetic accounts /visions and dreams
My Past Teachings 2004-2018 on Our YouTube Channel and present uncensored videos on Rumble
Join us for our bi-weekly classes on Signal
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