Spiritual Sword Training

Reaching Higher Ground

Gods Angelic Protection

STAGE 2: 1983-1987: Salvation and Attempted Suicide thwarted by Angels - Battle for my Soul, Satans attempt to go to school to then build Antigravity Machine & Gods Intervention: July 15, 1983 SAVED Accepted salvation after reading the 1980’s Countdown to Armageddon by Hal Lindsay, Satans Attempt to keep me, go to school an9d build Antigravity machine: while being notified that I was on waiting list of 140 for 60 seat class for the Aeronautical Engineering Diploma Program at Local Technical Institute for fulfilling Anti Gravity machine blueprints given by my dad. MIRACULOUS PRAYER ANSWERED: The next day after brief prayer of "God get me into the School" I get a miracle of notification of acceptance of enrollment and in answer to query of waiting list a reply of “we’ve had an unusual number of cancellations” Gods Intervention: as in 2nd year I encountered Christian classmate and helped me in my new life in addition my 10 years in the Military Industrial Complex made me privy to Satan's plans being implemented right now. Satans Attempt to keep me: First year in class I was given access by the schools president to labs to work on my antigravity machine, 1983 US Antigravity research/MJ12 docs given by Stanton Freedman to me after lecture.
Stage 3: Gods Protection, Training, Provision and infiltration of Satan's Plans 1987 Oct. 29 My Turning Point; ATTEMPTED SUICIDE HEAD-ON COLLISION PREVENTED BY ANGELS as Gods still small voice said "I Have a PLAN for your life! " - unemployed (as first aircraft job ended with 3 months: no wage and manager embezzling funds for prototype primary class aircraft to replace single engine Cessnas), fiancée I had met in Calgary jilted me on phone: it was midnight, being demonically influenced due my past occult involvement I attempted suicide by head-on collision with on coming semi-trailer, gas pedal jammed to floor, arms locked to steering wheel and heard still small voice say :”I have a plan for your life” at over 150 mph closing speed, my ¾ ton boogie van was pulled over and brakes applied as semi roared past, all without my assistance. Note: at those speeds to avoid a collision without flipping the van or careening out of control would be an impossible human feat!
Psa 91:10-16 MKJV no evil shall befall You, nor shall any plague come near Your dwelling. (11) For He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You in all Your ways. (12) They shall bear You up in their hands, lest You dash your foot against a stone. (13) You shall tread on the lion and adder; the young lion and the jackal You shall trample underfoot. (14) Because He has set His love on Me, therefore I will deliver Him; I will set Him on high, because He has known My name. (15) He shall call on Me, and I will answer Him; I will be with Him in trouble; I will deliver Him, and honor Him. (16) With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.
The category of Protection reveals the many occurrences God has preserved my life including a near fatal suicide attempt in 1987 and Satan's myriad attempts to kill me.
ANGELIC PROTECTION: Satan's attempts to kill me (Update 2024-videos coming) Note: as will be indicated in my upcoming book, when God calls us its at birth and even though we decide to not follow Him He doesn't give up as He doesn't want any to perish but all to know Him (John 3:16). As a result of this Pursuit of Love He gives gifts or 'bents' that are to be used for His glory but can be used otherwise. In my case these motivational gifts of perceiver (prophetic) were pre-Christian being used in the psychic realm. Through this and my occult experiences once I became a believer I was a threat to Satan's Plans and Schemes as the following will outline. Therefore as he has done throughout time and illustrated in Scripture he attempts to eliminate that threat before it becomes a problem hence numerous attempts on my life. * I teach these plans/wiles of the Devil and overcoming biblical strategies and techniques in my classes and writings.
2023 Angelic Intervention and temporary hulk like strength given which prevented possible fatal crushing from 400 lb tent trailer roof collapsing on me, pinning me to the floor of the trailer. Uttering desperate prayer for help I was given temporary hulk like strength to prop up by my shoulders the roof to extract myself from the underpinning and suffocation that was occuring.
2014 protected as : Live power lines fall on hwy and construction truck fuel tanks on fire Hwy construction severed live power line falling onto both sides of hwy We were travelling to Airport for a trip to Hawaii when along the service road, a dump truck box tilted up and severed a live power line which in turn set the tar on fire exploding the tires and was under the gas tank. Meanwhile the live lines swept across both lines of active traffic, which my wife noticed and we slowed and stopped. On the other side of the highway going north, traffic was not noticing the downed lines and speeding towards them. As the semis were approaching the lines our car had no where to go and we were witnessing our lives flash before us as the barricade wires now severed were going to decapitate our car and us if the semis did not stop, as it would push the cables sweeping at driver height and severing our SUV and anyone else behind us. More To Come SOON...
2013 Drunk Driver driving 100 mph prevented from crashing into our house We decided to park in front of our house on the street rather than in the parking lot and due to that departure of the norm driver hit our SUV with such force it pushed our SUV right onto the sidewalk and the impact ended up with a 4 car/1 5 ton truck domino crash effect. The force so severe the truck was lifted up onto the previous cars hood. If we had not decided to park where we did the driver would sail right into our house basement falling right onto our bedroom where we were sleeping nad would have surely died.
2009: Rogue 1 foot wave drowning attempt in Tel Aviv: While observing the breakwater 20 feet away a trickle of water just enough to make the shale walkway a skating rink caused my 300 lb body to fall onto my back where now the wave is 4 feet over me. I am now moving backward rapidly where a rock on the side breaks my slide as I am now upside down as the now powerful waves have engulfed me attempting to carve my back and thrust me over the walkway sides down onto the sharp rocks below. I now was drowning, and I asked the Lord to give me one moment of air from the continual building of successive waves hitting me, so I could gather myself, crawl off the walkway and get help. Just then a break for air happened and I crawled off bruised and bleeding. A medical tent nurse bandaged me up. On the last day of our trip we went to the Dead Sea where I used the mud on my back as it was world renowned for its healing properties (which in 12 hours turned my blue/purple/red/black bruising into not being noticeable if not for the pain, skin was completely clear, miraculous)
1994: ANGELIC Towtruck Driver and Firefighter : while going camping on a very rainy day, the road bank collapsed right onto our hood, covering our car with dirt, mud and gravel. On this deserted road within 5 min appeared a jeep with a winch and pulled us out. When a minute after pulling us out to thank him the jeep was gone. Arm set on fire: while camping attempting to make a fire from the wet wood poured fuel on embers but gas fumes travelled up the stream being poured engulfing my arm in fire. only hair cinged.
1989 Attempted beheading through riding Wild Horse trying to throw me off: at a full gallop was prevented as I ejected. Being the son of a bronc rider, horse whisperer and real cowboy, I was an experienced rider. However the horse was from a Christian retreat camp and not properly broken in, so when I wanted to gallop when we got into the cut line the horse surged into the trees right in line with a branch end that was in line with impacting my head. So I chose to veer my head to the right which shifted my body which in turn caused my body due to a loose cinch on the saddle, to rotate me now 90 deg. At a full gallop I knew soon my body would be trampled under the horse, so I leapt out from the horse and tumbled over 20 feet. Extremely bruised over entire body took 3 months to recover.
1989: 2 Deer cross highway; 1 impacts car highway speed, other disappears first deer impacts car on hwy, 2nd disappears: while travelling home on the highway at midnight, 2 deer crossed the highway, first was sighted crossing in front of my car from passenger side to drivers side, cranked wheel hard left as first deer’s hind quarter impacted drivers side front, which then center my front grill on the chest of the 2nd deer following: I cried out “Jesus! Help” and 2nd deer literally disappeared before impact. Now cars stopped as first deer was thrown into the ditch, other cars witnessed it and I asked where did the 2nd deer go? The witnesses claim there wasn’t another one. My passenger confirmed my story verbatim
1988: While driving, protected from Attempted stabbing by demon manifesting: while driving an outreach ministry subject home, finding out he was demon possessed and a recent ex convict who was wringing his face while I witnessed to him, manifesting a gnarled face, he pulled out a knife on me and tried to stab me with the knife pointing directly at my face; but even with the force of 2 hands could not get any closer than 1 foot from my face. He was immediately dropped off.
1984 Attempted Black Belt Assault which Angel deflected: Black Belt Martial arts expert high on crack attempted to assault me but could not get any closer than 1 foot as barrier (My guardian Angel) deflected the force of any blows resulting in the blows impacting the walls of the corridor and assailants broken hands and blood covering both walls.
1980: Potential Deadly industrial accident protected possible fatal 60 foot drop of scaffold working as assistant for contractor fell off 60 foot scaffold and helmet cracked in 2 when planks fell down onto my head
1973: potential fatal drop of 75 feet off cliff protected : Went off 75 foot cliff on 5 speed bike, did 2 complete loops whereas due to gravity fell off bike when it was upside down. Had gravel embedded into my skin
1969: Potential 150 ft fall off mountain: Myopia discovered: At 9 years old was climbing a rocky foothill when I attempted to go down the way I went up, problem was the hill wasn’t symmetrical and going down was a 150 ft drop as my mother from a distance in horror saw me try to go down backwards with no footholds just a shear drop. I could not see it was like that. In attempt to try climb down with no foothold my left foot runner fell off , as my mom was yelling to go back the way I went up.