The Eternal Nail
The mystery of the ages contained,
Embodiment of redemption personified,
The God of all creation power’s restrained,
as mankind’s sin was crucified
An eternal glimpse through human eyes,
The God, the Man, the Spirit
Thwarting thru truth Satan’s lies,
decries of freedom if you hear it
the greatest mystery of all time,
Of disarmament of all adversarial,
A simple infinitely powerful sign, the act,
the purpose, the Eternal nail.

Death to Life
(This time of year is one of death to life: bondage to freedom)
Easter is the time of eternal love,
when death becomes life through Spirit.
It's the offer of change that comes from above,
a request 'to follow' by faith, if you hear it.
Resurrection of purpose, direction and will,
from Abraham to Peter comes the call,
To birth and nurture faith, waiting until,
hesitation becomes assurance standing tall.
Love to trust in the Father of eternity,
to bring before Him one’s hearts desire,
From prayer to one of reality,
a calling, heart oneness and zealous fire.
