Seen in 1989: Obama Becomes President, rainbow Whitehouse, bathroom debacle, transgender wars, Covid-19, 5G activation of jab, mind control, battle against the giants, Nephilim, antichrist persecution and guillotines see the full series on my uncensored Rumble channel Bereanbuilderministries
The Panorama details I can reveal now that I got the 3rd and last sign. But first some...
If you are not aware of this, the "plandemic" was the Deep State Illuminatti George Soros/Clinton/Obama Cabals Plan. What we are witnessing is literally an unprecedented, beyond historic world wide reset to usher in the last and greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and then the New World Order. It is the Greatest Shaking and Paradigm shift the world has ever seen, and you are a witness to its genesis.
The outpouring I saw in 1988 in a vision of a church that was not built until 1995 and small building was not built until 2011 which made the layout complete for a great outpouring that The Lord made very clear would not happen until Great Spiritual Darkness (Midnight), below is a photoshop version of what i saw. Only details missing is it was midnight and speakers had been strung from each lamp post, the doors were open with people streaming inside and the gospel was being preached.

The Panorama Details:
Disclaimer: I was not given any instruction whether these events are sequential, i.e. happening one after another, they could be in some order I am not aware of but I am telling it like i saw it and not assuming anything else. As with everything Pray about all of this and accept His Counsel.
Seen in 1989: Obama Becomes President , rainbow Whitehouse, bathroom debacle, transgender wars, Covid-19, 5G activation of jab, mind control, battle against the giants, Nephilim, antichrist persecution and guillotines:
Note: Italics and brackets indicate explanations, confirmations or interpretations, otherwise Bold text is as it was shown to me
This one had to do with a black man who rose rapidly from obscurity to win the US presidency. On election day I saw a very popular reporter whose known for his impartiality and journalistic integrity gushing with almost Divine worship speak about this newly elected president. I then saw a panorama of rapidly changing through time movie of North America with an Orwellian 1984 like existence of what is partially history now but was future then in 1989. The rainbow Whitehouse, the gender bathroom debacle, transgender wars and celebrity talk shows with them all in tele-conference format, businesses closed and streets empty during rush hour even in New York. I also saw me driving down a local city street on a Sunday where a particular church would normally have a packed parking lot but was empty and the church sign said "Closed due to Covid 19" (Note: As I had no context of any of this what seemed strangeness to me, I could not understand its relevance until very recently in 2019 when travelling down this road the Lord replayed for me that portion of the dream as i was now witnessing and reading that very church sign)
In addition to the "pandemic", I saw a very strange thing of blue colored mist saturating everything including food and even seeing it ingested into people. As I viewed people breathing in and consuming this blue Mist (note: Recently I saw the symbolism and color representing 5G and its the Exact same color of the mist I saw).
"John 15 Abiding Christians and the Father protects them"
I observed people in the streets, restaurants, gatherings and noticed something very strange. When this mist tried to enter some , it could not enter, it did not saturate their food, it didn't even go near them. It was like they were immune or protected. I asked the angel and he said " these are John 15 Abiding Christians and the Father protects them. " During this time much evangelism was happening and God's Spirit was being poured out globally.
After this I saw another scene of incredible prosperity but incredible confusion/terror on those who had ingested and breathed in the blue Mist, except for Beings now transformed to glowing blue who seemed to be automatons with no real personality.
What I saw next made me desperately want to release the angels grasp on my hand and leave. It is very difficult for me to tell this as even though this happened to me over 30 years ago, I still shudder remembering this scene. The angel who was my guide pointed a finger and said "Son of man..look" I saw the Nephilim, very large carnivorous beings, that could paralyze/hypnotize at a glance, rampaging and consuming any humans they could find. (Refer to Steve Quayles site At the same time there was War against these beings, exotic weapons were being used. It was also at this time that due to Christians influencing all areas of life, these Beings launched an all out assault on Christians and the governments hunt them down to feed them to these Beings.
I then saw this president in a Kennedy-esk like fashion in a convertible waving to an elated crowd to numerous to mention, when a shot rang out and struck him like did JFK. Three days past and on Passover a spokesperson stated although he had been pronounced dead, he had the will and power to heal himself. I wondered why JFK, the angel did not answer my questions but just told me to continue to look. As I heard this I shuddered knowing this was a very bad thing.
So as this is obvious to everyone now, remember I saw all this in 1989. I don't know why I never saw Trump but I now have understanding of the JFK motif I was shown. )
(Interpretation: The JFK limo was the spiritual transport that was bringing a renewed sense of accomplishment and nationalism/faith and purpose. You see Q supposedly is John F. Kennedy Jr. who faked his death to become the liaison of the reset about to happen.) If you watch the videos on the Q-anon phenomenon you will know that a Worldwide Plan, 20 years in the making, was formed that involved the Patriot Generals of the World appointing Trump as the Commander in Chief to lead this reset which will be a False Light Deception. (Note: in 1998 while researching about y2K online saw a very brief article on my news banner from a backwater small airport in the U.S. (cannot recall the state) about a restaurant near the airport that was temporarily swamped by generals from all over the world getting lunch. A picture appeared in the local newspaper article buried in the back of the newspaper. I didn't think anything of it as I thought it was a pre-cursor to the New World Order in 2000 like many predicted. It wasn't until 2 months ago I started putting the pieces together.)
SO you may ask, what does this have to do with anything? Well, scripture states we see in part and prophesy in part. In other words, each of us who are prophetic have one or more parts of the tapestry of the End Times.
I'm sharing the parts God has shown me which does I believe give a partial view of what's to come. Purpose of this is to PREPARE you for what is coming. Other things happened which I am not at liberty to say yet except at almost the end of the panorama before me, GULLOUTINES!!!! (Note: a video of this last part is coming soon, until then here's a graphic depiction of what I saw. Also checkout my interview with over 26000 views explaining this event on my website

I was then no longer an observer I was now in line with many others, some close friends and family, waiting to be beheaded. Some in the line recanted their faith in God, renouncing Jesus including a surprising number of people in my personal circle. All of a sudden I woke up with a warning from the angel ringing in my ears "Many will say in that day Lord, Lord did we not heal the sick and raise the dead?..and He will say depart from me fore I never KNEW You!" therefore Abide in me, knowing the Holy One is eternal life.”
As I awoke... I prayed "Lord who was this man?" The reply was "his initials are B.O." and he will deceive many!".
Fast-forward to Election 2008 when “change came to America"
as I casually listened to the coverage..a very famous newscaster started gushing unprofessionally about this New President and at that moment the Lord captured my attention as I realized, as He replayed the dream given so many years ago, and stated “this is the man I showed you!, prepare for storm that’s coming” , I was starting to see what I saw in 1989 in real time now.
Note: In Preparation for my interview released in Feb of this year, the Lord informed me that the place in the above depiction exists and is complete except for the concrete pad is grass presently. Get Ready!